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Geocaching and how it works

Geocaching is a great way for friends and family to connect with each other. Once you have found your cache you will feel like you’re one of the smartest people in the world. For me, when I go geocaching I like to think of it as being a spy. And the geocaches are my Intel on missions sent from the government. That’s how I remember that I have to be discreet once I have found it because if I’m not the MI6 and KGB will be tracking me down. Because it’s always fun to put a little imagination in our life once in a while. 


Unfortunately, I do not have much to write about the topic of geocaching. The reason that I do not have anything to write about is because I haven’t been able to find a single geocache. While true, I have been present  when others successfully secured a geocache, as of this writing I haven’t been able to use my own wits to decipher the location of a geocache. I might even have found the geocaching experience acceptable if I was able to assist in finding one but alas, it was not meant to be. This experience simply cements the fact that I am not the best treasure hunter.

I was present when more geocaches were found the other day, the result was the same. I was not able to help contribute finding the geocaches and the places I searched were no where near where the geocaches were eventually found. IT was exciting I guess for others to find the geocaches but I wish that I could be more useful next time.

Look…over there!

Sometimes you don’t realize the treasure right before your eyes. Our second experience has set the bar high and has become a family obsession. Geocaching. I admit I knew what it was before we started but was never really interested mostly because I believed you had to trek off to some far off land to find the buried treasure. You know, X marks the spot. Who knew that my beliefs were so far off base. Geocaching is something we could do right in our own neighborhood. So we did. This week’s adventure has us exploring the world right outside our front door. 


I have to thank the Mrs-2-be for this wonderful activity. I believe that she has ignited the inquisitive bone in General Winkie as well as Loud Quiet Steps. Geocaching will serve as an ongoing activity along with our many other adventures. 

What exactly is geocaching? Well it’s the art of using coordinate points to find hidden logs and treasures placed by other geocachers. We, the BroNerDukIns are working our way up to placing a cache ourselves!

Even though some of our first attempts were quite unsuccessful we still enjoyed searching together. I watched and listened while my family members strategize and manipulate the great outdoors to find the pot of gold. What I learned from this experience is that we CAN work as a team when we WANT to. How? The answer is hidden right before your eyes…


Fun, difficult but fun. That’s how I would describe geocaching. Our first try at geocaching wasn’t very successful. We went into the woods next to FHS (Ferndale High School) and tried to get/find the bottle. After searching for half an hour we tried another one close by. My stepbrother, Jon, did not want to leave. We went to another place close by filled with green, crazy shrub trees. We looked but did not find anything there either. From these adventures i now know to look EVERYWHERE and I will try this fun activity again.